On this page, you’ll find tools compiled or produced by the Common Health Coalition.

These are intended to help the Coalition’s members and other organizations take action at the intersection of health care and public health. Additional resources will be included here over time.

Common Health Compendium

Compilation of effective activities happening at the intersection of health care and public health — by Coalition members and non-members alike.

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Case studies

The following case studies provide a deeper dive into how organizations are successfully transforming health systems through greater collaboration. If your organization would like to collaborate on a case study, please contact us at Info@CommonHealthCoalition.org.

Working with Community Health Workers

The following resources can support your work with community health workers. These have not been officially endorsed by the Coalition, but come recommended by our partners.

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Memorandums of agreement/understanding (MOU)

MOUs enable organizations to share resources, information, and operations. These sample MOUs from external parties can help organizations draft their own more easily.

Data sharing agreements (DSA)

DSAs are formal contracts that detail what data is being shared and the appropriate use for the data. See how other organizations have structured their DSAs for safe cross-sector data exchange.

Emergency preparedness resources

These emergency preparedness plans provide an overview of how organizations can structure their own plans.